Ladies Logic

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

What Is The Difference Between.....

I heard Bill Kristol relay this story on the news this morning.

McCain aides whose judgment I trust are impressed by Sarah Palin. One was particularly amused by this exchange: A nervous young McCain staffer took it upon himself to explain to Palin the facts of life in a national campaign, the intense scrutiny she'd be under from the media, the viciousness of the assault that she'd be facing, etc.:

Palin: "Thanks for the warning. By the way, do you know what they say the difference is between a hockey mom and a Pit Bull?"

McCain aide: "No, Governor."

Palin: "A hockey mom wears lipstick."

Yep - that about says it all.



  • If she's anything like many of the Alaskans I have come to know and love, and it sounds like she is, then the "media scrutiny" industry is in for a big surprise.

    By Blogger Cameron, at 2:17 PM  

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