Ladies Logic

Monday, September 01, 2008

On The Floor Now

First Lady Laura Bush and Lynn Cheney are on the convention stage right now. She starts off talking about how natural events have changed their plans to be here and as a result our focus now needs to be on the Gulf Coast states. She said that when events like these occur we are reminded that we are Americans first and that our shared American ideals transcend partisanship and that she wants them know that ALL Americans are thinking about them and praying for them. She said while the Republican Gulf Coast Governors were planning on attending, it was more important for them to be at home taking care of business. She then introduced a video of 4 of the 5 Republican Gulf Coast Governors (Governor Bobby Jindal was understandably busy) who thanked their respective National Guards and the delegates for their support.

After the videos, Cindy McCain took the stage to encourage everyone on the floor to step up and come to the aide of those in the Gulf. She encouraged everyone to go to Cause Greater and do what they can to help.

Mrs. Bush took the podium highlight the charities listed on the Cause Greater website.

The convention adjourned at this point. Back at it again tomorrow.



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