Ladies Logic

Monday, September 01, 2008

It was One Year Ago Today

Mitch has his “20 years ago today” series of posts but I am not going back that far.

One year ago today, something fantastic happened in my life – but first a little background.

It was a typical July Minnesota night. The Junior Logician was spending the night at a friend’s house so I picked the Logical Husband up at work and we went to Keegan’s for Thursday night trivia. As we approached the back patio, I could see many of my MOB friends were already there. As we stepped into the patio area Chief hollered for me to come over. “You need to be in on this!” he said. Mitch and AAA were there and I think Lassie was too (my memory just is not what it used to be so if I left anyone out sorry). What they were talking about was a new website. The reason for the new site was a good one. Minnesota has a huge stable of conservative bloggers. Trying to keep up with each one was a daunting task. However, if we had a one stop shop where the average vote could go and read the best of the best…without the “Day in the Life” stuff I have to admit, most of the conversation that night was a blur, but out of that meeting an idea was born.

The month of August was a series of planning meetings. The “Junta” (as we jokingly called ourselves) was quickly formed….Kevin from Eckernet, Dr. Jonz from Freedom Dogs and Matt Abe were quickly added to the core. We worked out all the little details (site design, who had what responsibilities) and most of the big ones (who we would recruit to be contributors, content and launch date) in that whirlwind month.

Then came the big day – launch day and on September 1 2007 True North was introduced. The rest, as they say is history…

Thanks guys for bringing me on board for one of the wildest rides of my life. Now year two is starting off with a bang. With Derek, Tom Swift and I covering the convention from the inside and Mitch and the rest of the gang covering it from the outside and the rest of Election 2008 there will be a lot going on and a lot to cover. I hope you will make True North YOUR election 2008 headquarters. I may not be in Minnesota anymore, but I can not think of a better place to stay on top of the BEST in Minnesota politics.



  • You link to Mitch but not Ahem...

    By Blogger Kermit, at 10:37 AM  

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