Say WHAT Alan?
Alan Colmes is the liberal half of the Fox News Program "Hannity and Colmes". Alan Colmes is (after this outburst) also a total classless, ignorant idiot!
Sarah Palin got pregnant with Trig at the age of 45 years old. Anyone who has ever had a "late in life"pregnancy (as I have and as my MIL did) knows that the further above the age of 35 that you are when you conceive the more your chances of having a Down's baby gets. Down's can also run in families which is why when I was pregnant with the Junior Logician we had to closely monitor his pre-natal development.
I am going to paraphrase one of my favorite SNL skits here.... Alan you ignorant slut! Before you go running off at the mouth about pregnancy and prenatal care, why don't you talk to someone who has BEEN pregnant before you go running off at the mouth. I'm sure my mother in law will be more than happy to educate you on the subject!
Pile this on top of the low blow from TV's Alan Colmes who claims that Palin didn't practice proper prenatal care before she had the baby with Down's Syndrome, blaming the Mother for her disabled child. Well, the lefties don't know a low road they won't take. (Colmes' site has crashed right now, but this is the address if it ever comes back: (Colmes' webmaster has since taken the clip down from his Liberaland website)
Sarah Palin got pregnant with Trig at the age of 45 years old. Anyone who has ever had a "late in life"pregnancy (as I have and as my MIL did) knows that the further above the age of 35 that you are when you conceive the more your chances of having a Down's baby gets. Down's can also run in families which is why when I was pregnant with the Junior Logician we had to closely monitor his pre-natal development.
I am going to paraphrase one of my favorite SNL skits here.... Alan you ignorant slut! Before you go running off at the mouth about pregnancy and prenatal care, why don't you talk to someone who has BEEN pregnant before you go running off at the mouth. I'm sure my mother in law will be more than happy to educate you on the subject!
Labels: Journalists and Media
Small correction on your facts. Sarah Palin is 44 now (DOB Feb 11, 1964). She couldn't have been 45 when she got pregnant.
And pardon my ignorance, but if you do not plan to terminate a pregnancy, why monitor for Downs Syndrome? Particularly if you already know your potential risk due to your age. Confirmatory testing for Downs is invasive and represents risk to the fetus. How do the benefits outweigh the risks?
(P.S. Pregnant 5 times; 4 live births.)
Bekkieann, at 12:23 AM
Thanks for the correction Bekki - the reason for monitoring is that this was a much longed for child. We went through a lot to get pregnant. It's a long story. My doctor wanted to monitor because my MIL had a Down's baby.
The Lady Logician, at 2:10 PM
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