The biggest reason that government run health care proponents use as a reason why we need to do this is the "fact" that 45 million Americans don't have health insurance. Larry Elder took a look at that number and found it to be "wanting:.About 45 million Americans lack health care insurance. Or do they? ...
Nearly half of the 45 million fall in the category of my 26-year-old nephew. He smokes cigarettes, dates, eats out, goes to movies and, like all young people, lives through his cell phone. With a slight change in priorities, he could afford health insurance, the cost of which at his age and health starts at about $100 a month. Take a look at a Reason Foundation video of interviews with a bunch of non-health-insured 20-somethings.
These Gen Xers copped to dropping money on clothes, booze, nightlife, the latest tech gizmos and other things of interest to them. With a change in priorities, these young folks -- far more representative of those without insurance than the forlorn husband and wife sitting on a porch swing -- could both afford and qualify for health insurance. They simply consider it a low priority.
So let's do the math....of the 45 million with "no" health care, some 22 million are eligible for health insurance but choose not to buy it. That is not a valid reason to take over an industry this large.
Millions more can access health care -- through SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), Medicaid or other government programs. But for whatever reason, 11 million people simply refuse to take advantage of them.
So of the remaining 23 million without health insurance, 11 are eligible for existing government programs! That brings the total number of people "without" insurance down to 12 million - a large number to be sure but as a percentage of the entire US population.....
What about criminals without insurance? More than 2 million Americans -- with access to health care, by the way -- use jail, prison or penitentiary mailing addresses. And for every one behind bars, how many live among us who survive by theft, drug dealing, prostitution or some similar career path? Taxpayer health insurance for them, too?
Actually they already get taxpayer funded health care in the prison infirmary. That brings us down to roughly 10 million or so without health INSURANCE. I stress the word insurance here because as Mr. Elder states, not having insurance does not equate a lack of health CARE.....
Lacking health care insurance is not the same as lacking health care . By law, most emergency rooms must provide health care -- to both legals and illegals. Yes, they stand in line, but no health insurance does not equal no health care.
That is a point I have made on MANY occasions.
Mr. Elder closes asking the same questions that most thinking people are asking today.....
Do we allow a complete government takeover of the section of health care it doesn't already run, for 10-15 million or so without health insurance on a persistent basis? Again, 255 million Americans already have it. Many millions more could get it if they wanted to. And 89 percent of Americans are satisfied with the care they now receive.
There are plenty of ways to fix the problem without bankrupting the country and rationing care. One solution (from the House GOP Caucus) would give health care tax credits to low income Americans, eliminate wasteful spending (unnecessary tests and the like), allow small business to band together in a buying block in order to get insurance for themselves and their employees and introduces liability reform as ways to bring the high costs of INSURANCE down to an affordable level. When you look at the FACTS of the situation you see that there is no real need for a complete take over of the health care system by government. The only real "reason" for it, given the facts is is simply that it is a power grab - another way for big government to take yet another piece of your precious freedom away - thanks to President Obama and the House Democrats.Labels: President Obama, Universal Health Care