I got this (along with permission to reproduce it ) from discussion group that I belong to. While the original title is tailored to the group from which it came, I think that the core principles are shared by conservatives everywhere. Conservative Principles and Activism Core Beliefs
1) That individual human rights are granted by God. Not by any King, governmental entity, or man. This is asserted in The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, Bill of rights, and other national historical documents.
2) Government exists primarily to protect the inalienable God-given rights of its citizens.
3) The Founding Fathers never intended to separate God from government, or inhibit the right to the free exercise or _expression of religion therein, but simply to prohibit the establishment of a state religion.
4) The original intent of our Founding Father's Constitution is as valid and binding today as the day it was ratified, and the only legal alteration of the Constitution is through the amendment process.
5) Of government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
6) Our Constitution was written to govern a moral and religious people and its destruction is sought by those who are neither.
7) The traditional institutions of marriage and family are the foundation and cornerstone of any society. We must oppose any and all attempts to undermine or redefine these institutions in our own society.
8) That the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness applies to all, including those too weak to speak for or defend themselves: the old and infirm and babies yet to be born.
9) The United States has the moral and legal obligation of protecting our Republic, our freedoms, free trade, and our national interests...as well as opposing Communism, Socialism, or despots that threaten these principles.
10) Our government must immediately take effective steps in securing our borders from both terrorist threats and the flood of illegal aliens, and against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
11) Our government must use stringent guidelines and screening procedures for all immigrants as it relates to their suitability to enter the country on: health, security, potential to contribute, functional use of the english language and comprehension of American History.
12) Our government officials, Federal, State, and Local must clearly understand their role in the public trust, as public servants.
13) The right to bear arms must not be infringed. It is the last resort for the citizens in defending their God given rights, to face and repel tyranny, foreign invasions, and in the rejection of slavery in any form.
14) The culture of the United States is its Constitution. To destroy or weaken the Constitution is to destroy or weaken the United States, its society, and its culture.
15) The freedom of religious expressions must equal the rights given to a free press, free speech, the freedom of peaceful assembly, and the right to bear arms.
16) Our national security and interests demands that we maintain a world class military power and intelligence gathering capability that are second to none.
17) The United States must follow Teddy Roosevelt's philosophy of "speak softly and carry a big stick" in our dealings with other nations. We must possess the unyeilding resolve and perseverance required in defense and promotion of our Constitutional principles.
18) As a nation we must say what we mean and mean what we say. Our word must be our bond and trusted to the benefit of our allies and to the dismay of our enemies.
© 2005 CPA. Permission to repost is granted provided that the following credit is reproduced in full:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Conservative_Principles_and_Activism/If I were to pick two or three that mean the most to me I would have to pick #2 (government is only there to protect the rights of the citizens), #8 (life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness apply to all - born and unborn) and #15 (freedom of religious expression is equal to free speech, free press and freedom to assemble). All others are supportive players. Which mean the most to you?