Ladies Logic

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thanks For Nothing

Last night I got an email from a very angry neighbor of mine.

I hope the Republican Party is proud today, as some of our great MN Republican Representatives sided with the Dems to pass as you most eloquently put it “one of the most regressive tax bills to come out of this legislature”. Maybe it is time for a change because the Republicans of this state don’t have the back bone to stand on the principles of the GOP.
Thanks for nothing,

This neighbor of mine is a typical Minnesotan....VietNam era vet, small business owner, hard working family man who is just trying to make a good life for his family. Just like the rest of us, he is well informed about what is going on in the legislature (contrary to what Rep. Abler implied yesterday on the House floor) and he is very frustrated at what he sees. He sees a legislature that is more concerned about lining their own pockets rather than one that is concerned with doing "the peoples business".

As a small business owner I can't seem to find the extra cash to give my Service tech's $96.00 a day for food allowance that our boys and girls at the Capital seem to enjoy and take advantage of.

I guess all I can add is I hope that the lobbyists that our legislature seems more inclined to represent will take care of them when they get voted out of office. I also hope, for the lobbyiests sake, that the workers that their businesses depend on don't bolt the state leaving them saddled with the full burden of this horrific tax bill.

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