Wednesday In The Park
So I was on my way back to the parking garage after the Bloggers Brunch and lunch with Ed Morrissey with Skye from Midnight Blue, John the Marathon Pundit (who has his own post up on the protestand a couple of wonderful gentlemen bloggers whose names escape me when we saw some activities over at Rice Park. As we walked closer to the park, we could see that several protesters had stationed themselves behind the MSNBC broadcast position in order to get noticed. Well being the obliging bloggers that we are, we took more than a few pictures.
Are we surprised to see the PETA people here?
And no surpises here. The Ron Paul supporters have been all over the Twin Cities this week
And of course the Truthers were out in FULL FORCE.
The woman carrying this sign apparently did not appreciate having her picture taken. When Skye took her picture the woman demanded to know who Skye was "with". At first Skye responded "none of your business". The sign carrier again demanded to know who Skye was "with" and Skye answere "you don't want to know". When pressed a third time Skye quietly answered "Blackwater". The sign carrier blanched a little and quickly backed away from Skye!
Suddenly there was a ruckus behind us. I turned to look and I saw a sea of pink. That could only mean one thing....the Code Pinks had arrived.
Chief's new grrrrrl friend sang a couple of derogatory songs about VP nominee Sarah Palin, lead a couple of chants and then led the ladies to the area behind the MSNBC broadcast center where they sang some more.
After singing for MSNBC the ladies left Rice Park and headed up toward the convention center where Mitch ran into them. Since my cell phone battery was almost dead (and my feet were killing me) I left the march behind and headed back for the confines of the super-secret protest watch bunker where I could file this report for you, my dear readers. More of my pictures can be found in Lassies live blog of the protest.
No 9/11 Truthers at the DNC. I feel cheated. What an opportunity to experience crazy first hand!
Jason The, at 10:25 PM
The only protestor I saw, aside from those in the convention, was a guy holding a sign that said "NO MORE BIRD PORN" referring to bird watchers who watch birds mate.
SD 40 Girl
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM
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